My Life in 5 Junior High School
I've had many unforgettable moment in my life such as surprised in my
birthday, vocation with my family and lose in jrbl competition, but the one
that I've always remember is my life in 5 junior high school.
5 Junior High School have many garden. The name of the park in front of my IX class is Kartini Garden. We used to play a game called bebentengan. Bebentengan is a Sundanese traditional game, where we have to touch the opponent fort. I often play that game with my entire classmate. I miss them. Every day after school, I often play basketball or hangout with my friend in terbi while i was waiting for private lesson. Terbi is located beside the basketball court, it is the most comfortable place 5 JHS i think. Many students stay in that place only for share their story, do their assignment or just sitting there and watch peoples play basketball. During the graduation ceremony, I and my band featured several songs. I'm a little bit sad at that time because it was the last event for me to featured songs with my band.
It’s all just a small part of all the experience I have gained in 5 junior high school. I miss my old school very much, the memory and everything about it.